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China top green energy investor

A report released Tuesday in Frankfurt, Germany, says China is now the world leader in renewable energy investment.
A report released Tuesday in Frankfurt, Germany, says China is now the world leader in renewable energy investment.
A report released Tuesday in Frankfurt, Germany, says China is now the world leader in renewable energy investment, Xinhua reported. If accurate, the ranking marks the first time a developing country has overtaken developed nations in green project investment. 新华社消息,周二在法兰克福发布的一份报告显示,中国的可再生能源投资位居世界第一位,这是发展中国家在“绿色”项目投资方面首次超过发达国家。 

The report was based on a study jointly conducted by the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, the United Nations Environment Program and the news service Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

According to the report, the renewable energy industry saw rapid growth last year, with a record US$211 billion flowing into the sector worldwide, 30 percent more than a year earlier. 报告称,去年可再生能源产业增长迅速,全球范围内投资额达到了2110亿美元,年增长率达到30%。
China, an emerging nation determined to change its growth pattern, leads the list of major renewable energy investors worldwide. 中国近年来力图改变经济增长方式,在可再生能源投资领域保持领先地位。

In 2010, a total of 48.9 billion U.S. dollars were directed into green energy and technology research in China, particularly for wind farms.


(China.org.cn July 7, 2011)


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