针对近期一些地方暴露出的低保对象认定不准问题,民政部近日发出通知,要求到今年年底前,各地要对城市低保户(low-income urban families)认定进行排查,排查内容之一是对不符合低保条件的实现“应退尽退”;要求将有价证券、存款、房、车等财产作为认定低保的重要依据。另外,为保护低保对象隐私,不提倡对低保申请人进行网上公示。请看中国网的双语报道《民政部全国排查伪低保》:
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has recently modified standards for low-income families to qualify to receive governmental allowances, Beijing News reports. The ministry points out that in addition to per capita monthly income in a family, their assets should be taken into serious consideration, such as negotiable securities, savings, real estate and cars. The local civil affairs authorities should put more efforts into establishing a proper household-income checking system in collaboration with other governmental agencies in charge of taxes, housing, social insurance, commerce and finance. The families receiving allowances will have qualifications checked once or twice a year.
※ As for the families, the ministry says the information publicized is limited to names, number of family members, and the amount of allowance for which they are qualified. It does not encourage publicize this information on the Internet and emphasizes that children's privacy should be fully protected. In addition, the ministry plans to launch a nationwide campaign to check the qualifications of all the allowance receivers.
※ 民政部指出,低保家庭用于公示的信息应仅限于户主姓名、家庭人口数及享受低保的金额。民政部不鼓励在网上公布此类信息,并强调应充分保护儿童的隐私。另外,民政部还计划布置一场全国性的低保资格大排查。
(来源:中国网学英语频道) |
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