Gao Changli from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television said he was not surprised by the negative response the announcement had provoked on the Internet. "It's understandable that people are uncomfortable about these changes, especially the younger generation, who form the majority of Chinese netizens and have grown up surrounded by English acronyms."
广电总局宣传司副巡视员高长力称,网络上有一些不同意见,这很正常。“大家对这些变化感觉不适应,我们都理解。英文缩略语更多的是一些年轻人比较习惯,而这些人正是网民的主体,他们从小就开始接触这些英文缩略语。” |
"But we have to preserve the purity of the Chinese language and promote our own culture. That's our duty and our social responsibility." |
“不过,我们还是坚持我们的职责和社会责任,一定要弘扬我们的文字文化 一定要维护汉语的纯洁。” |
Gao called on local TV stations around China to follow CCTV's example by introducing the changes. |
高长力还号召其他台要向中央电视台看齐,在语言规范上做出一定调整。 |
Huang Youyi, vice president of China International Publishing Group (CIPG), and vice chairman of the Translators Association of China, reiterated three suggestions he made to CPPCC National Committee earlier this year to help prevent the influx of foreign words "endangering the Chinese language". |
为了防止大量的外来语充斥汉语、危及汉语言的发展,中国外文局副局长及中国翻译协会副会长黄友义在会上重申了他的三条建议。早在年初的全国政协会议上,他也曾提交了这个议案。 |
First, laws and regulations should be enacted laying down guidelines on the use of foreign words in publications. |
首先,要通过立法来规范外来语在出版物上的使用。 |
Second, translators and journalists should take greater care when dealing with foreign words. |
其次,翻译工作者和新闻记者要担当起责任,妥善处理好外来语的译入工作。 |
Third, a national translation committee should be set up to formulate standard translations of foreign names and technical terms and publish the results on a website. |
( 汪玮 译)