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Declan was born on December 19, 1991 in England. He is from Scottish and Irish origin. Declan’s grandfather sang in a band and played several instruments and often took Declan along to the concerts he was playing in. The mix of Scottish and Irish musical traditions inspired Declan and became his early musical influence.

Declan’s talent was publicly acknowledged for the first time when at just 7 years old he insisted on performing spontaneously at the annual Rochester Dickens Festival, a  two-day extravaganza where people were invited to dress up in Victorian costumes to celebrate the life of the famous author Charles Dickens and his links with the town of Rochester. Little Declan, dressed up as a chimney sweep, started singing and the crowd went wild. Soon after this he started to enter local talent contests and within a year he had won 15 titles and more than £1,000.00. He wisely put most of it into a savings account, but he did spend some of it on computer games, a basketball and a brand new football. 迪克兰7岁那年,他的音乐才华第一次为大众所知。在那一年的罗切斯特狄更斯节上,他坚持要求即兴演出。狄更斯节每年举办一次。在为期两天的盛典上,人们穿着维多利亚时代的服饰,纪念大文豪查尔斯·狄更斯的一生以及他与罗切斯特市之间千丝万缕的联系。打扮成扫烟囱小孩的小迪克兰在盛典上引吭高歌,人群立即为之疯狂。不久之后,他开始参加地区才艺比赛。在短短一年之内,他拿到了15个奖项和超过一千英镑的奖金。迪克兰聪明地将奖金存进了银行,不过在此之前,他先买了电脑游戏、一个篮球和一个崭新的足球。
As a result of his success in the talent shows, the major recording companies soon heard about Declan and he was signed to his first recording contract in England. His first recording was “Walking in the Air“, which was released on a special Christmas Hits album, also featuring Westlife, Elton John and Elvis Presley. 迪克兰在才艺比赛中频频获胜,很快几家大唱片公司都知晓了他的名字。他在英国签订了第一份唱片合约,首支单曲《空中漫步》(Walking in the Air)被收录在一张圣诞特辑中,同西城男孩(Westlife)、埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)、猫王(Elvis Presley)等歌坛大腕的作品排列在一起。
His first album entitled Declan was released Sept 22, 2002, under record giants EMI. It comprised mainly of Irish traditional songs and some specially written material and became charted in the UK and Ireland. His second album, entitled Thank You, was released on December 1, 2006. It contained many of Declan's personal favorite songs including "An Angel" which was a huge hit in Germany; it was originally sung by the Kelly Family. Thank You was ranked No. 5 on the German Top 40 in 2006 and the album reached gold in April 2007. 迪克兰的首张同名专辑于2002922由唱片业巨头百代公司发行。这张专辑中大部分是爱尔兰传统民歌,此外还有一些专门为迪克兰而作的内容。专辑在英国和爱尔兰大获成功。2006121,迪克兰发行了他的第二张专辑《谢谢你》(Thank You),里面收录了很多迪克兰个人最喜欢的歌曲,其中翻唱自“凯利家庭”合唱团的歌曲《天使》(An Angel)在德国大受欢迎。《谢谢你》在2006年德国最受欢迎的40首歌曲中名列第五。20074月,这张专辑达到了金唱片的销量。
In his newest CD, You And Me, Declan has written his very first song, “Moody Blues”. He says that he is very pleased with his new album because it is more of the style of music he likes and listens to and would like to sing.

迪克兰的最新唱片《你和我》中首次收录了他自己创作的歌曲《忧郁蓝调》(Moody Blues)。他说自己对这张新专辑很满意,里面收录的更多是他自己喜欢听、喜欢唱的歌曲。

China.org.cn 李潇 译


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Pet Name
- Leaving
- Blue Eyes
- Won't go home without you
- The call
- Thank You
Chinglish Corner