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Abducted Chinese Worker in Sudan Rescued

The other one of the two Chinese workers who were abducted by anti-government militants in Sudan has been rescued by wee hours Saturday (Beijing time), said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan in Beijing Saturday. 

Kong said sources from the Chinese embassy in Sudan said, since one of the workers escaped to a safe place on March 19, the other one had also been rescued Saturday through the utmost efforts of China, Sudan and the International Federation of Red Cross and RedCrescent Societies. He is in sound physical and spiritual condition at present, Kong said.

He said the Chinese interim Charge d'Affaires to Sudan has sent greetings to the worker through telephone.

The two Chinese workers were abducted on March 13 while working on a well-digging project by anti-government militants at DarfuratDarfur, 80 kilometers from Buram in the west.

(Xinhau News Agency March 27, 2004)

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