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China Opposes Foreign Government Interference in HK Affairs

China firmly opposes any foreign government interference in the affairs of Hong Kong in any form as Hong Kong affairs were an internal issue of the country, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Sunday.  

Spokesman Kong Quan made the remarks in response to reporters' questions about a US State Department spokesman's comment that the HK government should move toward electoral reform, universal suffrage and continued democratization.


Kong said the Chinese government is highly concerned over the development of the political system in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and has a clear stand that Hong Kong's political structure would develop in a gradual and orderly manner according to the Basic Law and the actual circumstances in Hong Kong.


The US government has repeatedly expressed its willingness to support the Chinese government in implementing the "one country, two systems" policy in Hong Kong, and declared it has no intention to interfere in China's internal affairs, said Kong.


The Chinese government hopes the US could keep its promise and prevent any statement or behavior that would harm the stability and prosperity in Hong Kong, he added.


(Xinhua News Agency January 5, 2004)

China to Make Joint Efforts with US for Bilateral Ties
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