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President Hu Calls for Closer Party Ties with ROK
Chinese President Hu Jintao said Friday that the Communist Party of China (CPC) was ready to join with all political parties of the Republic of Korea (ROK) to promote regional and global peace, stability, development and prosperity.

Hu, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, made the remark during a meeting with a delegation of the ROK Millennium Democratic Party headed by its chairman of the supreme council, Chyung Dai-chul.

Hu said that since the establishment of diplomatic links between China and the ROK, the Sino-ROK cooperative partnership had continued to grow under the joint efforts of the governments, political parties and other sectors.

Hu said friendship between the two countries had brought concrete benefits to the two peoples, and actively contributed to regional and global peace, stability and development.

Hu said party-to-party exchanges were an important part of the friendly relations between the two countries. Deepening exchanges between the ruling parties of the two countries bore significance on improved mutual understanding and trust.

Chyung Dai-chul said the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) would always strengthen friendly exchanges with the CPC so as to deepen people-to-people friendship and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the northeast Asian region.

(People's Daily June 21, 2003)

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