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Tang Jiaxuan Visits Embassy Officials to China
Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan visited about a dozen foreign embassy officials in China Monday at the embassy of Cameroon in Beijing.

After briefing them on the measures taken by the Chinese government in the fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Tang stressed Chinese leaders' deep concern about the health and safety of the embassy officials.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have repeatedly urged relevant departments to take every necessary measure to actively coordinate with diplomatic institutions in China in SARS prevention and treatment, Tang said.

Tang also expressed sincere thanks to some nations for their assistance to China, saying that China's fight against SARS has made progress and the Chinese government is willing to cooperate with various nations to beat SARS as soon as possible.

Eleih-Elle Etian, the Cameroon ambassador to China, spoke highly of the Chinese government's efforts in the SARS campaign and expressed thanks to some departments for their help to diplomatic groups in China.

SARS is a common problem confronting the international community, and its final eradication relies on joint efforts of all nations, Etian said.

(Xinhua News Agency May 13, 2003)

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