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CPC Leader Calls for Closer Ties with General Public
A senior leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Tuesday called for continued efforts to fight corruption and improve the relations between the Party and the general public.

Addressing a group of Chinese scholars, Wu Guanzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said efforts to improve the Party's work style and to fight corruption must contribute to the ongoing reform process and the task of building a relatively affluent society.

Wu, also secretary of the Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, said the Party must carry forward its fine tradition of hard and efficient work and persist in its opposition to the worship of money and to indulgence in pleasure seeking, extravagance and waste.

Facts indicate that corrupt elements account for only a very small percentage of the Party membership, however, the negative social impact is enormous, he said.

Wu said the general public is rather dissatisfied with the abuse of power for personal gain, infringement of the public interest and the extravagances of a very small number of Party and government officials.

He vowed to continue the war against corruption and work harder to safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses through various measures, including expanding democracy through promoting intra-Party democracy and a better legal system.

(Xinhua News Agency January 15, 2003)

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Wu Guanzheng
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