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Chilean Financial Body Slaps Spain over Iraq War
A Chilean body, the Association for the Assessment of Financial Transactions and Citizen Action (AAFTCA), condemned on Monday the support given by Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar for the United States-led war against Iraq.

In a letter handed over to the Spanish Embassy in Chile, AAFTCA said "there is no valid reason" for the US-led war on Iraq, which began last Wednesday. It claimed the United States intended to "seek petroleum and shore up the dominion" over the Gulf region and the world at large.

The letter labeled Aznar "a servant of the United States". It said the prime minister "will have, on his conscience, the weight of the human lives lost in this brutal aggression."

The AAFTCA has organized a series of protests in Chile, calling the attitude of the Spanish government "a shame ".

"We salute the people of Spain who have taken to the streets to show their rejection of war, and we reject repression against the demonstrators," the letter said.

(Xinhua News Agency March 25, 2003)

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