EU Seeks Talks on China's Auto Parts Tariffs
The European Union (EU) on Thursday requested World Trade Organization (WTO) consultations on China's auto parts tariff rules which the EU claim are not compatible with China's WTO obligations.
China Sued No WTO Trade Partner Since Entry
According to China Business News, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) revealed lately that to date, China has no record of taking the initiative to prosecute any of its WTO trade partners.
WTO Chief Praises China's Effort in Promoting Doha Round
China has played a constructive role in the Doha Round trade talks, putting the country in a strong position to seek a rebate on new market opening commitments, Pascal Lamy, director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO) said in Geneva on Thursday.
China's Diplomacy: Pursuing Balance to Reach Harmony
Chinese President Hu Jintao made a speech on China's new foreign policy of building a harmonious world at the United Nations Summit marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the world body. His words received wide approval and the policy is thought fruitful in 2005.
Global Trade Talks Back on Track in HK
Trade diplomats at the World Trade Organization (WTO)'s ministerial conference in Hong Kong defied pessimistic forecasts by reaching a deal in global trade talks Sunday.
6th WTO Ministerial Conference Concludes
The 6th WTO Ministerial Conference concluded in Hong Kong yesterday with a Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration that Xinhua yesterday said included tangible results from the six-day negotiations.
China, Ukraine End Talks on Market Access
China and Ukraine signed an agreement on two-way market access in Hong Kong on Friday, which will speed up Ukraine's accession to the World Trade Organization.
Rich, Poor Members Differ over Focus of WTO Meeting
Great difference still exists between the developed and developing members as the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (Ito) went into its second day Wednesday.
Bo: Offer Tangible Benefits to Poor Countries
Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai has called on developed nations to provide the poorest nations with immediate duty-free and quota-free market access and urged that developing countries be given special treatment when they open their markets. Bo said this at the Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong on Wednesday.
WTO 2005 Beijing Int'l Forum to Kick off
The "WTO & China: 2005 Beijing International Forum" will be held in the Beijing News Plaza on September 16. The forum's preparatory work is progressing in an orderly way, reported Chinadaily.com.cn based on the news release of the forum yesterday.
WTO Committee to Examine CEPA
The Committee on Regional Trade Agreements (CRTA) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) will examine the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) at its meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday and Friday.
Nation, New Zealand to Launch FTA Talks
China and New Zealand have agreed to launch negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) as soon as possible. The announcement comes after a feasibility study has been carried out into a possible free trade agreement.
Minister Urges Assent to Market Status
The ministerial meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) forum had been a good arena for Chinese Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai to promote his views on a new round of WTO talks, free trade agreements with China and its market economy status.
China, New EU Members Enhance Trade Ties
With ten new member states and a total population of 455 million, the European Union, already China's second largest trade partner before the expansion, is attracting more and more Chinese businesses.
China Wins Praise for Bold Reforms at APEC Meeting
China won praises for its economic reforms at an Asia-Pacific ministerial meeting held in Pucon, Chile while the United States was spared criticism for stiff counter-terrorism laws perceived as unfriendly to trade.
EU, China Reach Deal on Coke Supply
EU officials said on Friday that a last-minute deal had been secured that would guarantee coke imports from China, removing the imminent threat of a WTO complaint. The EU alleged that China had broken trade laws by restricting exports of coke, a key raw material for steelmakers.
China Supports Russian WTO Entry
China's top legislator Wu Bangguo yesterday reaffirmed the nation's support for Russia's early entry into the World Trade Organization.
Market Status Preliminaries Under way
China and the United States have started a preliminary process on US granting market economy status to China. But experts believe the US' dropping of China's classification as a non-market economy is still some time away.
FTA Talks to Conclude Ahead of Schedule
Negotiations on the establishment of a China-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Free Trade Area (FTA) are expected to wrap up before the scheduled date of June 30, said a source close to the talks.
Ministry Releases Anti-dumping Penalty Review
On May 17 Chinese Ministry of Commerce announced a review on the necessity of keeping on levying anti-dumping duties on imported cold rolled steel products originated from Russia, South Korea, Ukraine, Kazakstan and China's Taiwan area.
Singapore Recognizes China's Full Market Economy Status
Singapore has decided to recognize the full market economy status of China, said visiting Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Beijing Friday.
China, EU Hold Talks over Trade Compensation
China and the European Union (EU) will soon launch negotiations over compensation for China's possible losses caused by the EU's enlargement on May 1.
China Urges US to Relax Export Control
Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi on Thursday urged the United States to relax unreasonable control on its exports to China and cautioned against a recent rise in US trade protectionism.
EU Decision on China's MES Request Expected Soon
The European Union, China's third-largest trading partner, is set to come to a preliminary conclusion on China's year-long request for market economy status (MES).
US Finalizes Penalties on Chinese TV Imports
Trade relations between the US and China were set to take another turn for the worse as the US Commerce Department finalized its ruling that Chinese manufacturers were selling television sets in the US at below cost, paving the way for import duties to be slapped on Chinese TV manufacturers.
China Appreciates New Zealand's Recognition of Market Economy Status
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here Wednesday that New Zealand's recognition of China's market economy status is the objective recognition of China's tremendous achievements in reform and opening-up.
White House Sets up China Trade Office
The Bush administration announced Tuesday the creation of a new office under the U.S. Trade Representative to handle the country's growing trade relationship with China.
China Holds to Reasonable Settlement of Sino-US Trade Friction
China takes a reasonable approach toward solving Sino-US trade friction, Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong said Tuesday.
China Urges US to Lift Export Restrictions
China is taking steps to resolve the problem of the trade deficit between China and the United States, and hopes the United States will lift the restrictions on its exports to China so as to expand bilateral trade, a Chinese official said in Beijing Wednesday.
High-level Talks to Solve Sino-US Bissness Disputes
The US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) is expected to find solutions to increasingly thorny trade issues between the world's two big traders, analysts said.
EU Announces Increase in Textile Quotas
The European Union has decided to increase quotas for Chinese textiles when 10 more nations join the union on May 1, according to the Ministry of Commerce.
Rules Prove China is Not Dumping TVs
There are mixed predictions on the upcoming final ruling on the US anti-dumping charge against Chinese color TV sets, said local analysts who believe Chinese makers are innocent but are not sure whether economic or political principles will play a role in the case.
Zoellick: China Visit "Productive"
US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick said after meeting with Chinese top leaders here Thursday that his visit to China has been productive.
China Willing to Play Active Role in Spurring New WTO Talks
A senior Chinese trade official said here Thursday that China is willing to play a more "active and constructive" role in pushing forward a new round of talks of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Dialogue Best Way to Solve Trade Friction
Business leaders from China and the United States have agreed to depoliticize economic affairs and solve trade frictions through dialogue following a meeting in Beijing on February 9.
Trip to Assess Changes Since WTO
The US Chamber of Commerce will lead a business mission to Beijing and Shanghai from February 9-11 to assess what changes have taken place in China two years after the nation joined the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Stalled Talks on Doha Agenda to Resume Nex tWeek: WTO Official
Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Supachai Panitchpakdi said Sunday that the stalled talks on the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) will resume in a limited way next week, reported the Financial Express on Monday.
Sino-US Textile Talks Kick off
China and United States are set to start consultations today about new measures on three Chinese textiles products. The consultations will focus on specific quotas, export licensing and bilateral electronic data inspection on the three products.
WTO Chief Urges More Flexibility in Negotiations
WTO Director-General Supachai Panitchpakdi urged flexibility Thursday in trade negotiations to prevent the intransigence that thwarted the Cancun meeting in Mexico.
US TV Dump Charges More Than A Biz Spat
What lies behind the recent trade spat involving four Chinese TV makers and their US counterparts is not a simple business brawl which can be solved by simply sending a purchasing delegation.