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Jiang's Report at Party Congress Applauded
The report delivered by Jiang Zemin at the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) reflects the wishes of the Party and people and embodies the important thought of Three Represents, Zhu Rongji said in Beijing Friday.

Achievements China has made under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Jiang Zemin at the core over the past 13 years are hard-won and noticeable to people worldwide, and will be written into the annals of history in the course of revitalizing the Chinese nation, he said.

Zhu Rongji made the remarks while joining a group discussion of Party delegates from northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

He urged local officials to pay more attention to environmental protection so as to achieve sustainable economic development and improve people's life.

Delegates from Shaanxi also voiced their views on Jiang's report, noting that the report makes clear the path and objectives the Communist Party of China should follow and accomplish in the new century.

While at a discussion attended by delegates from Tibet, Hu Jintao said that the 16th CPC National Congress is a meeting of great significance in the new century and Jiang’s report on behalf of the 15th CPC Central Committee is a good guidance for building a well-off society and boosting socialist modernization.

The theme of the congress is to hold high Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents for an overall advancement of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, Hu said.

The congress conforms with the wishes of the Party and the people and represents requirements of the times and aspirations of the people, he added.

The congress will surely mobilize and unite all Party members and people of all ethnic groups in the country and push forward the cause of building China-style socialism, Hu said.

The important thought of Three Represents advanced by Jiang Zemin is a powerful ideological weapon for improving Party-building and developing socialism in China. It sums up the Party's historical experience, pools the Party's wisdom, adheres to Marxist principles and reflects the new situation in China and the world.

It is of far-reaching significance to make the important thought of Three Represents a long-term guiding theory of the Communist Party together with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, Hu Jintao said.

He noted that the third-generation leadership with Jiang Zemin at the core has braved various difficulties and risks, made historic breakthroughs in reform and opening-up, scored great achievements in the modernization drive and brought about a new situation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Jiang Zemin's report makes the scientific judgment that the first 20 years of this century are a strategic opportunity for China. The objective of building a well-off society in an all-round way tallies with national conditions and people's aspirations, Hu said.

Some delegates in the Tibetan group also spoke in the discussion, commending the report delivered by Jiang Zemin. They noted that achievements Tibet has scored in the past 13 years are an outcome of the correct leadership of the Party and generous support from across the country.

Li Lanqing hails the Three Represents while attending discussions with the Shandong delegation.

"The important thought of Three Represents is a continuation and development of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. It is a crystallization of the whole Party's wisdom which comes from the great practices of millions of Chinese people. It is also a brilliant example of the localization of Marxism," Li said.

Since it was founded 81 years ago, the CPC has always adhered to seeking truth from facts and proceeding from the actual situation, and emphasized on the combination of Marxism with the Chinese practice, which means the localization of Marxism, Li said.

Li believes that so long as the Party sticks to emancipating the mind, seeking theoretical innovation and keeping pace with the times, it can brave and survive any tests in the face of whatever changes in the international arena and lead the Chinese people from one victory to another.

"The important thought of Three Represents will guide the Party to achieve its objectives in the new century," he said.

(China.org.cn edited from Xinhua News Agency, November 9, 2002)

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