Please let him ring back to Mike whose phone number is 68998088.
xiăo lĭ:
hăo de.
Xiao Li:
中国人打电话的习惯是直接找受话人,而不先报发话人姓名,接电话时也是这样,第一句话往往是“您找哪位?”。在北京打国际电话很方便。许多饭店、外国人居住的公寓、办公楼等均可直接挂国际长途。 When Chinese people make a phone call, they ask for the addressee by name
directly. However, it is not their habit to give their own name
first when making receiving a call. It is very convenient to
make international calls which can be dialed directly at hotels,
foreigner's mansion, office building, etc.