Kim remembers CPV martyrs

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, October 27, 2010
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Photo released by Korean Central News Agency on Oct. 26, 2010 shows Kim Jong Il (C front), top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), attending a memorial ceremony at the tombs of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) martyrs where thousands of Chinese soldiers, including late Chairman Mao Zedong's eldest son Mao Anying, were buried, in Hoechang County in South Phyongan Province as the DPRK and China marked the 60th anniversary of the entry of the CPV onto the Korean front.[Xinhua]

 Photo released by Korean Central News Agency on Oct. 26, 2010 shows Kim Jong Il (C front), top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), attending a memorial ceremony at the tombs of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) martyrs where thousands of Chinese soldiers, including late Chairman Mao Zedong's eldest son Mao Anying, were buried, in Hoechang County in South Phyongan Province as the DPRK and China marked the 60th anniversary of the entry of the CPV onto the Korean front.[Xinhua]

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