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Vegetable farmers lament profit losses

0 CommentsPrint E-mail CNTV, April 26, 2011
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2.6 yuan per kilogram, last year's price, was handsome indeed.

Seeds were sown earlier as well.

"We were thinking, if we grow early, then we can sell early, and sell more." Vegetable farmer of Shandong Province said.

But oversupply problems have hit these farmers from out of blue.

What once looked like fat profits, quickly became huge losses.

"My entire family live on these cabbages. The loss is so high, nearly 45-thousand yuan per hectare." Yu Changping told us.

In March, the State Council requested local governments to collect and share vegetable supply and demand information with farmers.

But did they really get the help they need?

"No. Never. Nobody asked. Nobody said anything." Yu said.

Yu says he has seeds for other vegetables in hand. But he doesn't know which product to grow.

He just hopes the overabundant cabbage ordeal of 2011 ... never happens again.


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