In 2006, Yao Chen began to build a presence on the big screen, playing in movies like "Great Movie", "The Pursuer of Love", and "Call for Destiny".
Meanwhile, she never took a break from performing in TV dramas. Each year she would star in as many as four or five TV shows. Among them are "Around the House", "Happily-Paired Lovers", "The Story of Kitchen Squad", "The Story of Medical Clinic". Most of her roles have been comic.
In early 2009, Yao Chen's career entered a new phase, as the TV drama "Undercover" became a smash-hit across the country. In that production, Yao Chen plays a guerilla captain from a rural area. Assigned to collect intelligence in the big city of Tianjin, she falls in love with her colleague, who is her intellectual superior by a large margin.
Yao Chen's performance in "Undercover" opened up a new dimension for her career. So far, she has signed up for roles in the movie "The Dent of Heaven", the stage drama "Du Lala's Career", and a string of other shows.
In her interaction with entertainment reporters, Yao Chen has a different reputation from her typical screen demeanor. Rather than an outgoing, straightforward young girl, in real life she is a demure lady. Her favorite hobbies are cooking and watching TV.
In the big-screen comedy "Sophie's Revenge", she didn't have much screen time. However, her performance is considered a dazzling asset to the production. Following the promotion for "Sophie's Revenge", Yao Chen will play opposite her husband Ling Xiaosu in the movie "The Days Spent With a Flight Attendant".