The film "Crossover" tells of a love story spanning thirty years, between a Japanese civilian and a Chinese girl. The two meet in China during wartime, and are reunited before the founding of the Republic. Miao gave another convincing portrayal of a woman with a strong character.
Miao plays another strong-minded woman in TV series "Depart at the West Crossing". In this production, she helps her husband to rescue his business.
After some ordinary performances in typical urban dramas, Miao Pu embraced her next big breakthrough. The recently released new year drama "Gao Xing" reveals the actress' comedic talent. She plays a woman who makes a living collecting trash. In the film, Miao speak lines with her Shaanxi dialect. People see an actress with mature acting skills and she sings! The role has overcome the title that had long applied to her -- "a woman in tragedy". Now, she is so at home in a comedy, and from this successful transformation, audiences can expect more breakthroughs from this young inspiring actress.