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Liu Zige wins China's first swimming gold at Beijing Games
China's Liu Zige smashed Australian swimmer Jessicah Schipper's world record in women's 200-meter butterfly on August 14, pocketing host China's first swimming gold at the Beijing Olympic Games. Schipper led the race in the first 100 meters, but the 20-year-old Liu managed to overtake her after the final turn and stormed to finish in two minutes 04.18 seconds. Liu's teammate Jiao Liuyang also managed to beat Schipper in the last meters, taking silver in 2:05.40. Schipper was third in 2:06.26. [Xinhua]

China's Liu Zige smashed Australian swimmer Jessicah Schipper's world record in women's 200-meter butterfly on August 14, pocketing host China's first swimming gold at the Beijing Olympic Games. Schipper led the race in the first 100 meters, but the 20-year-old Liu managed to overtake her after the final turn and stormed to finish in two minutes 04.18 seconds. Liu's teammate Jiao Liuyang also managed to beat Schipper in the last meters, taking silver in 2:05.40. Schipper was third in 2:06.26. [Xinhua]

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