Chinese researchers settle down on Arctic ice

0 CommentsPrint E-mail Xinhua, August 9, 2010
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A helicopter carries an apple-like house, built to defend against polar bears, to the researchers' working site, Aug 8, 2010. The Chinese expedition team built a fixed ice station Sunday for their 15-day expedition in the Arctic Ocean. The station lies at 86 degrees and 55 minutes north latitude, 178 degrees and 53 minutes west longitude. [Xinhua]

A helicopter carries an apple-like house, built to defend against polar bears, to the researchers' working site, Aug 8, 2010. The Chinese expedition team built a fixed ice station Sunday for their 15-day expedition in the Arctic Ocean. The station lies at 86 degrees and 55 minutes north latitude, 178 degrees and 53 minutes west longitude. [Xinhua]

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