Beijing in the eyes of foreigners

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<i>Dusk</i> by Henry Ngo (Philippines)

<i>Jumping through hoops</i> by Isabelle Keiflin (New Zealand)

<i>At Your Service</i> by Sharoll Gonzales (Philippines)

<i>Blow wind, blow - The Virtual Feng Shui of Modern Architecture -- Full Stop</i> by Paul Jakob Walstad (Norway)

<i>Appreciation - Melting blue sky</i> by Paul Jakob Walstad (Norway)

<i>CCTV Construction</i> by Stijn te Strake(Netherlands)

<i>Summer Palace Sunset</i> by Stijn te Strake(Netherlands)

<i>Yes, this is Beijing. So much respect is shown here to the creative arts!</i> by Varda Talmor (Israel)

By Mikhail Pomerantsev (Russia)

<i>Infinity vs. E-ternity</i> by Mikhail Pomerantsev (Russia)