Shenyang is located in the southern part of Northeast China and
in the central part of Liaoning Province, 122°25'9-123°48'24 East
Longitude, and 41°11'51-43°2'13 North Latitude. The area of the
city is 13,008 square kilometers, with an urban area of 3,495
square kilometers.
Most of Shenyang region rests on a plain, stretching flatly.
Mountains and highlands are mostly concentrating in the
southeastern part, which belongs to the extended part of Liaodong
mountainous highlands.
The western part of Shenyang is the alluvial plain washed over
by Liao River and Hun River, slightly sloping from northeast to
southwest. Within the city, there are Liao River, Hun River, North
Sha River, Xinkai River and South Canal, etc.