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Hu meets Bush, underscoring China-US relations
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China is ready to work together with the United States to forge ahead bilateral relations of constructive cooperation along the right track and in a sustained, healthy and stable manner, President Hu Jintao said in Beijing on Sunday.

Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) shakes hands with US President George W. Bush at Zhongnanhai, compound of China's central authorities, in Beijing, China, Aug. 10, 2008. [Xinhua]

Chinese President Hu Jintao (R) shakes hands with US President George W. Bush at Zhongnanhai, compound of China's central authorities, in Beijing, China, Aug. 10, 2008. [Xinhua]

During a meeting with his US counterpart George W. Bush in the central government compound of Zhongnanhai, Hu said the Chinese side has always viewed and handled its relations with the United States from a long-term and strategic perspective.

Hu said China is willing to work with the US side to promote dialogue and exchanges, enhance understanding and mutual trust, respect and care for each other's interest and concerns, and settle sensitive issues properly to ensure bilateral relations go along the right track and in a sustained, healthy and stable manner.

China-US relations have maintained a good momentum, and face opportunities for further development, Hu said.

The Chinese president cited frequent exchanges between the two countries at all levels, a better mechanism of dialogue and consultation in diverse areas, and fruitful consultation and coordination on major international and regional issues, such as the Korea Peninsula nuclear issue, the Iran nuclear issue and the Darfur issue.

Hu spoke highly of Bush's contribution in promoting bilateral relations, and said he was very pleased to meet Bush again.

"This is already the fourth visit you pay to our country, which has made you the US president paying the most visits to China in the presidential terms," Hu told Bush.

"This has fully demonstrated the great importance Mr. President has attached to the development of Sino-US relations," he said.

The inauguration of the new US embassy in Beijing on Friday, which President Bush attended, and the inauguration of the Chinese embassy in Washington at the end of last month, signified the further advancement of the China-US relations, said the Chinese president.

In response, Bush noted that bilateral relations with China are important, constructive and forthright, adding that the US side will continue to work with China to build bilateral ties on a more solid foundation.

On the Taiwan issue, Hu reiterated China's stance against "Taiwan independence," and hoped the United States properly handles the issue to support the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.

"No matter what kind of changes take place in the cross-Strait relations, our stance of adhering to the one-China principle and opposing 'Taiwan independence' secessionist activities will never change, and cannot be changed," Hu said.

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