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Indian cabinet to resign Monday
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The Indian government is due to resign Monday after holding its last cabinet meeting at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's residence in New Delhi, according to local media reports.

During the meeting, the council of ministers tendered their resignation to the Prime Minister. The Cabinet recommended dissolution of the 14th Lok Sabha, or lower house of the parliament, said the reports.

A resolution of appreciation for the prime minister was also passed at the final cabinet meeting, said the reports.

Meanwhile, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA), which has won a smashing victory in the general elections, will later stake claim to form a new government.

The UPA has won more than 260 seats out of a total of 543 at Lok Sabha in the elections, nearing the 272 majority seats to form a government.

The Congress and its allies will meet President Pratabha Patil to submit the resignation of the cabinet but in the meanwhile to show the president they have the numbers of seats in Lok Sabha to form a new government.

(Xinhua News Agency May 18, 2009)
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