Romanian researchers studying abandoned young children in
orphanages have revealed that how well children are cared for in
their first two years has a direct influence on brain development
and IQ later in life.
"Our findings suggest that there may be a sensitive period in
the first two years of life in which experiences are especially
important in shaping cognitive development," said principal
investigator Charles Zeanah, professor and chief of child
psychiatry at Tulane University School of Medicine. "This work adds
to a growing body of scientific evidence about the importance of
early relationship experiences."
The research, done in collaboration with scientists at Harvard
University, the University of Maryland and Temple University, is
detailed in the Dec. 21 issue of the journal Science.
The study followed 136 children between the ages of six months
to 30 months who had been abandoned at birth or soon thereafter and
placed into institutions in Bucharest. Researchers trained social
workers and recruited Romanian families to provide foster care for
half the children who were randomly selected.
Children placed in foster care within the first 18 months of
life had the greatest gains in cognitive development compared to
those placed in foster care later. For example, at the age of 42
months, those placed in foster care before 18 months old had an
average IQ of 94 compared with scores of 89 for similarly aged
children placed in foster care starting between 18 to 24
The cognitive gains were less impressive for those placed in
foster families between the ages of 24 to 30 months.
A follow-up survey of the same children one year later showed
that IQ's of the two groups placed in foster care after two years
of age continued to significantly lag behind the group sooner
placed with families.
The results suggest that in any country, foster families are
better than institutionalized care for very young children, the
researchers said.