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Law And Justice Essential in Harmonious Society
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The political and legislative branches of the government must safeguard law and justice to help build a harmonious social environment for the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), a senior official has stressed. 

The two major branches would play a crucial role in building and maintaining a harmonious society, and raising their law enforcement capability is of utmost importance, said Luo Gan, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau.

Luo, also Secretary of the CPC Central Committee for Political and Legislative Affairs, spoke at a national conference Tuesday, saying that maintaining national security and social stability required political and legislative departments capable of safeguarding social justice and the legal rights of the people.

He called for the continuation of a crackdown against organized crime, for the regulation of law enforcement behavior, while extending structural reform and improving personnel standards.

He further urged the Party organizations at all levels to strengthen leadership over political and legislative work, and to improve internal Party supervision on law enforcement.

The Party's 17th National Congress will be held in Beijing in the second half of 2007.

(Xinhua News Agency November 29, 2006)

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