This is my "evidence." |
Politicians' speeches are full of high-sounding words. But we feel there has been lots of thunder but little rain, lots of talk but little action. We can probably do better than them.
I asked a simple question: "Great men are too busy, how can we get ordinary men and women engaged with the problem of climate change?"
My question was taken up by Josette Sheeran, the Executive Director of the world’s largest humanitarian organization, the United Nations World Food Program (UNWFP).
As I finished speaking, I noticed my piece of corn had been passed to Josette who was sitting on the other side of the table. Picking up the corn, she answered my question, "People can find out how to support our work by going online; there are many activities for people to join, set out on the UNWFP website."
Then Mary Robinson and Jet Li answered my very question respectfully! Jet Li said that young people like modern technology and the Internet is a great way of getting the message across. He also said the young generation is much stronger and more energetic than the older generation.