The China International Publishing Group (CIPG) It plays a unique role in China's foreign-language publishing and exchanges. This large-scale publishing group featuring publishing, printing and distribution of foreign-language books and periodicals puts out five magazines in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese, and has seven publishing houses, and several websites in several languages. The five magazines are Beijing Review, China Today, China Pictorial, People's China, and EI Popola Cinio. The seven publishing houses, including Foreign Languages Press and New World Press, publish nearly 1,000 titles on different subjects in more than 20 foreign languages every year. The titles are distributed to some 190 countries and regions, playing an important role in enabling people of other countries to gain a better understanding of China. The China International Book Trading Corporation, a member of the CIPG, distributes foreign-language books and periodicals to 80-odd countries and regions, and holds exhibitions of Chinese books abroad.
The Intercontinental Communications Center This is a non-governmental international communications organization specializing in producing multi-language audio-video products (including films and television programs) and regular publications. Since its founding in 1993, it has turned out several hundred hours of movies and television programs and hundreds of books annually, which reach well over 150 countries and regions across the world. These programs and books mainly introduce to the world China's basic conditions, culture, customs, reform and opening-up, and modernization drive, as well as China's views on issues of international concern.
The China Internet Information Center The CIIC utilizes Internet technology to introduce the most authoritative and comprehensive information about China to people at home and abroad. It went into operation on January 1, 1997.