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HK Signs Security Program Agreement with Microsoft

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government's Information Technology Services Department signed an agreement with Microsoft Tuesday to participate in Microsoft's Government Security Program (GSP).

Announced in January, the GSP is a standing offer by Microsoft to permit government bodies to access without charge the software source codes and related information of various Microsoft Windows Operating System products subject to any US applicable export restrictions.

According to the department, technical information and security documentation, which Microsoft does not otherwise share, will be disclosed to the government signatories.

Signatories are also offered the opportunity to visit Microsoft development facilities in Redmond, Washington, to meet with product development and security experts as well as review the Windows source-development process.

A department spokesman said the facilities offered under the GSP would benefit the HKSAR government. Through better understanding of the internal design and coding of Microsoft Windows products, the government should be able to enhance its technology and support capability in the use of Microsoft products.

Having considered the overall utility of the GSP to Hong Kong, the government is pleased to accept Microsoft's offer to sign a standard three-year Government Security Program Source Code Agreement with Microsoft to facilitate the projects, training and development activities covered under the GSP.

The agreement does not commit the Government on the use of Microsoft products, the spokesman said.

(Xinhua News Agency November 26, 2003)

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