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Power Plant in Shandong Sets National Safety Record
The Shiliquan Power Plant in east China's Shandong province had operated safely for 2000 days up to July 24, 2002, a record for million-kilowatt thermal power plants in China.

The plant, a subordinate of the Shandong Power Group Company (SPGC), now runs five 125,000-kw and two 300,000-kw power generation units.

In this sense, the plant has a combined installed capacity of 1.225 million kilowatts and is the second largest power plant in theprovince. It can generate seven billion kwh per year.

Sun Qingsong, the factory director, said at a congratulatory ceremony held on July 25 that the plant was a model for the nationwide safe production campaign.

He attributed the achievement to the growing awareness of safe production among workers; strict practice of the responsibility system for safe production at all levels; and the continuing upgrading of technology and equipment.

To date, the plant has generated more than 100 billion kwh of electricity, which has met the increasing demand for electricity in the local area.

Ma Bingwei, deputy general manager of SPGC, noted that the company had given the highest priority to guaranteeing the safe operation of the Shandong power network. By the end of June, the network had operated safely for more than 4,800 days.

The Shiliquan Power Plant was built in 1978. In July 1999, it was named one of China's leading power plants by the State Power Corporation.

( Xinhua News Agency July 27, 2002)

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