Referring to the first Google Code Jam China, a programming competition, which just closed in Beijing on January 20, Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, Google Vice President and President of Google China, was quite excited.
He said that all the contestants were excellent, among whom some individuals were graded 1,000, which was a top-notch level. China's top-grade level will become international, and the nation will turn into a software power in the world.
Lee made the above comments during an interview at Beijing Laffitte Chateau Hotel, the venue for the Google Code Jam China Final. The two-month Google programming contest saw a satisfactory ending, and Huang Huan, a postgraduate of Wuhan University of Technology, finally became the Google Code Jam China laureate after several rounds of painstaking fights.
This is the third Google Code Jam in the globe and the first in China. Lee indicated that it is a contest of internationally high level both in organization and contestants. Organizers were in high spirits to see plenty of top-class programming talents in China actively participate in this event.
It requires genius, enthusiasm and ceaseless endeavor in the successful cultivation and training of software talents, according to Lee. China enjoys better environment and opportunities for software development nowadays. Provided necessary environment for its software developers to stimulate their initiatives, China will definitely be able to cultivate the best, ingenious software professionals in the world.
( January 23, 2005)