Special Olympics Global Torch Bearer and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Monday joined 700 Special Olympics athletes at a special event in Beijing.
The event, held at the China Millennium Monument, was to celebrate the growth of Special Olympics in China, and to focus world attention on the upcoming Special Olympics World Summer Games, which is to be held in Shanghai in 2007.

"When I visited China in 2000 for the Special Olympics China Millennium March, I knew that China would embrace the Special Olympics movement and its athletes," said Governor Schwarzenegger. "But this country has exceeded my expectations. China is truly demonstrating its leadership on the world stage through its commitment to the over 170 million people around the world with intellectual disabilities."
Governor Schwarzenegger attended the event's opening ceremonies, which were followed by a Torch Run, and met with the top leadership both of Special Olympics China and the China Disabled Persons' Federation (CDPF). He congratulated them on their tremendous support for people with intellectual disabilities, and encouraged their efforts to build acceptance in the world for this population.
The event at the China Millennium Monument was organized by the CDPF, Special Olympics China, the China Disabled Welfare Foundation and the Beijing Municipal Government.
China, which also will host the 2008 Olympic Games, will become the first country in history to host the Special Olympics World Games, Olympic Games and Paralympic Games -- all within the span of just 12 months. The eyes of the world will be on China as it celebrates the true power of sport and the belief that sport can foster the development of a better and more peaceful world.
Special Olympics provides opportunities to the largest disability population in the world - people with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics is dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual disabilities to become physically fit, productive and respected members of society through sports training and competition.
Currently, Special Olympics is nearly 2 million athletes strong in more than 150 nations around the world.
The 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games will be held in Shanghai from 10-19 October 2007. The event will mark the first time the World Summer Games will be held in Asia, and only the second time they will be held outside the United States. In addition to some 7,000 athletes, Special Olympics expects the 2007 World Summer Games to draw 40,000 volunteers, 3,500 event officials and thousands of families, spectators and journalists from every continent.
(China.org.cn November 14, 2005)