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Terror Attack in Afghanistan Condemned

Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Thursday denounced the terrorist attack against Chinese workers in Afghanistan 

More than 20 gunmen raided a Chinese construction site in northern Afghanistan early Thursday, and 11 Chinese workers have so far been confirmed killed and four others wounded.


Wu, chairman of China's National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, called the Chinese Foreign Ministry in person and asked the ministry to extend his condolences for the victims.


Wu instructed the Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan to put all their strength into rescuing the injured workers, and to work closely with the Afghan government and the UN agencies in Afghanistan to take proper measures to ensure the safety of other Chinese people in Afghanistan.


The premier sent his condolences for the victims and sympathy to the injured. Wen, on behalf of the Chinese government, strongly condemned the terrorist attack against Chinese citizens and required the Afghan side to severely punish the criminals.


Wen also urged the Afghan side to take practical measures to safeguard the safety of Chinese citizens and their property. He instructed the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Commerce and the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan to get in touch with the UN assistance team in a bid to cope with the rescue as well as remaining problems.


(Xinhua News Agency June 11, 2004)

11 Chinese Workers Killed in Afghan Terror Attack
11 Chinese Workers Killed in N. Afghanistan
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