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China Set to Take Path of Peaceful Development

Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong said Monday in Shanghai that China has decided to take the path of peaceful development.

Zeng made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the Ministerial Segment of the 60th Session of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) held in Shanghai Monday.


Zeng said, in the present era whose theme is peace and development, China, as a socialist country, has decided to follow the path of seeking development while safeguarding world peace and contributes to world peace through its own development.


Zeng said China's economic growth is closely linked with that of the Asia-Pacific region, and the 25 years of reform and opening-up in China has resulted in an annual GDP growth rate of 9.4 percent and a relatively comfortable life for the Chinese people on the whole.


In the year 2003, China suffered from such disasters and difficulties as the SARS epidemic, and with the strenuous efforts, China's GDP still rose by 9.1% year on year, totaling US$1.4 trillion, and per capita GDP exceeded US$1,000.


"Facts have shown that in the course of reform and opening up, China has embarked on a path of peaceful development," said Zeng.


The Chinese nation always loves peace and harmony. It is in the Chinese tradition to regard peace as the best option, to seek harmony but not uniformity, and act on the tenet "don't do to others what you don't want others to do you," he said.


"China will never seek hegemony, at present or in future, and no matter how well-developed it becomes," he said.


Zeng said the path of peaceful development features coordinated domestic development and opening up.


He noted that China is a developing country with a population of nearly 1.3 billion and is faced with numerous difficulties, and its per capita GDP ranks only 111th in the world.


"It requires the unremitting efforts of generations to come in order to achieve development, rejuvenation, modernization and the common prosperity of all the Chinese people," he said.


Zeng said the path of peaceful development also emphasizes bold participation in economic globalization together with active efforts to develop extensive and mutually beneficial cooperation.


"It is the fixed goal of the Chinese Government to peace, stability, development and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region," Zeng said, adding that China will continue to pursue the policy of building neighborly relationships and partnerships with its neighbors, and contribute to the peace and development in the Asia-Pacific region.


(Xinhua News Agency April 27, 2004)

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