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Gasparovic Elected Slovak President

Slovakia's former parliamentary speaker Ivan Gasparovic won the run-off presidential election over former Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar, the central electoral commission announced on Sunday.  

The commission said with all ballots counted, Gasparovic, Meciar's former political ally, gained 59.91 percent, while Meciar pocketed the rest 40.09 percent.


Gasparovic won the run-off in all eight regions of Slovakia, achieving landslide victories in Bratislava and Kosice. His success dealt a big blow to Meciar, who lost the 1999 election in a run-off with Rudolf Schuster.


Viliam Sobona, head of Meciar's election team, said the party was surprised by the result, as they expected their chairman to win.


Gasparovic thanked all his supporters and pledged that he will fulfill all the promises he made during the campaign.


"I thank all who have helped me to reach this result," Gasparovic said. "I hope that I will be able to show them my gratitude through my work."


Only 43.5 percent of the eligible voters cast their ballots on Saturday.


The election took place just two weeks before Slovakia is set to join the European Union on May 1.


(Xinhua News Agency April 19, 2004)

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