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Rebel Forces Take Haiti's Second Largest City

Armed rebels on Sunday moved into Haiti's second-largest city, Cap-Haitien, after first seizing the local airport, reports reaching Havana said.  

Rebels forces swept into the airport where they seized an aircraft belonging to Air Tropical. There was no immediate word on any casualties. Cap-Haitien has a population of about 1 million.


Gunfire swelled near the city center and panicked residents fled from the streets. There were unconfirmed reports that rebel forces had freed prisoners from a jail in one of the four police compounds.


The rebel forces have captured several towns in Haiti's north since they rose up in mid-February, demanding that President Jean Bertrand Aristide resign. At least 57 people have been killed in the fighting since then.


Aristide, who repeatedly has rejected calls for his resignation, on Saturday embraced an internationally backed power-sharing plan. Aristide, who would remain president under the plan, said he agreed to a new prime minister and government to organize elections.


(Xinhua News Agency February 23, 2004)

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