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Wu Urges Parliamentary Exchanges

Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), in Beijing Monday urged parliaments of countries in the Asia-Pacific region to increase friendly exchanges.  

Wu said at the three-day 12th annual meeting of Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) "Exchanges and direct dialogue between parliamentary leaders are exceptionally important and must be further strengthened."


Special committees under the parliament and exchange organizations, as indispensable channels of communication, should also be better used, he said.


Wu urged parliaments to enhance exchanges in legislation and law enforcement supervision.


"Despite differences in parliamentary institutions, legal systems and legislative priorities, parliaments of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region also have much to share," he said.


Wu said the National People's Congress engaged in such exchanges with parliaments of dozens of countries, which had led to progress and benefits to all concerned.


He also suggested setting up a communication mechanism between young parliamentarians.


"Being vital political reserve forces of a country, young parliamentarians bear major responsibilities for long-term development," he said.


Many young parliamentarians were coming on to the political stage, and better mutual understanding, trust and friendship between them had huge strategic implications for sustainable and stable development of friendly relations at parliamentary and state levels, and for lasting peace and common prosperity in the region.


The APPF, with 27 members, is an inter-parliamentary organization initiated in January 1993 by former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone.


Its purpose is to enhance understanding and trust among the members of different parliamentary bodies, expand consensus and promote regional cooperation. The annual meeting, the forum's top decision-making body, is held in turn in APPF members countries.


(Xinhua News Agency January 13, 2004)

Wu Says Asia-Pacific Countries Should Strengthen Economic Cooperation
China's Role Important in Maintaining Regional Peace, Stability
APPF Meeting to Promote Friendship in Asia-Pacific Region
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