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China's Top Legislator Meets Romanian President

Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), met in Beijing Thursday with Romanian President Ion Iliescu.

Wu said Romania was one of the earliest nations to forge diplomatic ties with China, and relations between the two countries had developed well as a result of their mutual respect, understanding and support. He added that their traditional friendship had seen new progress in recent years.

The joint declaration signed between Chinese President Hu Jintao and Iliescu had laid a sound basis for a continuous and steady development of the two countries' relations under the new circumstances, he said.

Wu said China's NPC and the Romanian parliament have had fruitful exchanges at various levels, and expressed hope that the momentum will be maintained.

Iliescu said he had visited China six times since 1958, and expressed admiration for China's steady achievements.

He said Romania valued its relations with China, and besides Beijing, he would also visit Chongqing and Hong Kong to get a better understanding of China's west development and "one country, two systems."

He hoped the Romanian parliament and the NPC will further strengthen their friendly ties.
(Xinhua News Agency August 22, 2003)

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