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US, Britain, Poland to Form Stabilization Force in Iraq
The United States, Britain and Poland will form a multilateral force to help maintain stability in post-war Iraq, agencies reports quoted a senior US official as saying on Friday.

The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Iraq will be divided into three sectors that will be commanded by the three countries separately.

He said the three countries, which will encourage some other countries to provide forces for the stabilizing efforts, will not seek a mandate from the United Nations.

The official said there is a complete agreement in Washington that the role of the United Nations in post-war Iraq should be restricted to humanitarian efforts and reconstruction.

He said the stabilization forces will supplement the US and British troops already in Iraq and fall under the command of US Central Command Commander Tommy Franks.

(Xinhua News Agency May 3, 2003)

US President Declares End to Major Combat Operations in Iraq
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