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EU Leaders Call for Regional Stability During Iraq War
European Union (EU) leaders on Thursday called on all countries in the Middle East to refrain from actions which could lead to further instability after US-led forces has begun assault on Iraq.

"We express solidarity with and stand ready to assist those countries that are faced with problems and risks as a result of the conflict, including possible refugee flows," they said in a statement issued after their first day meeting of a two-day regular EU summit.

The leaders from all 15 EU nations said the countries of the region "have also a particular responsibility to prevent acts terrorism."

"We will continue to work actively toward the reinvigoration of the Middle East peace process through the immediate publication and implementation of the roadmap as endorsed by the Quartet (the EU, United Nations, the United States and Russia)."

The leaders also stressed the need to enhance dialogue and cooperation in all fields with the Arab and Islamic world.

"We hope that it will soon be possible to use the considerable opportunities" offered by an EU plan.

Early on Thursday, the US-led coalition started war against Iraq, ending long efforts made by the international community and caused deeper rifts in the West, which overshadowed the EU summit originally set to discuss European economic reforms.

(Xinhua News Agency March 21, 2003)

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