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NATO to Convene Emergency Meeting on Iraq War
NATO said in Brussels on early Thursday that it would convene an early morning emergency session over the beginning of the United States-led war against Iraq, and sounded its highest alarm level.

"This (the beginning of the war) is not a direct NATO action...The Allies will inform us about their measures," NATO spokesman Mike Laity said in Brussels shortly after the United States launched first rounds of raids on Iraq's capital of Baghdad.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization will be watching further developments, but has sounded the highest alarm level as a security measure, he said.

The alliance however has sent some support to protect its member state, Turkey, and feels directly affected as a crucial consulting organ at the military level.

The United States, Britain and Spain, which urged the military action against Iraq, are all members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

However, a formal reaction of NATO to the outbreak of war would not be made, said the spokesman.

(Xinhua News Agency March 20, 2003)

Bush Declares War on Iraq
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