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Chirac Hints Acceptance of Shorter Timeline for Iraq Inspection
French President Jacques Chirac said in Paris on Sunday that he could consider a period of less than 120 days for completing the UN arms inspection in Iraq.

He said that it was up to the UN inspectors to decide how long they need to complete their mission, in a televised interview with CBS and CNN, of which the Elysee released French-language extracts.

If inspectors could work within a 30-day timeline, France would have no objections, Chirac told the two American television channels, which are expected to broadcast the interview at 7:00 p.m. New York time (00:00 GMT) Sunday.

France had until recently been holding that the UN inspectors need up to 120 days to finish its job in Iraq.

The firm anti-war position of Chirac has earned him an all-time high support rate in the country.

(Xinhua News Agency March 17, 2003)

France Seeks Security Council Meeting on Iraq Disarmament Calendar
France, Germany Reaffirm Strong Opposition to War on Iraq
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