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No Need for New UN Resolution on Iraq
China "fully agrees with and supports the content" of the memorandum put forward Monday by France, Russia and Germany on the disarmament of Iraq, and maintains there is "no need" to adopt a new UN resolution, a government official has said.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan outlined the Chinese government's stance, when asked to comment on the new draft resolution tabled with the UN Security Council by the United States, Britain and Spain on Feb. 24.

Kong said Resolution 1441 adopted by the Security Council had still to run its course and the "priority at the stage" was to concentrate on implementing the resolution, not to adopt a new one.

He said Security Council members closely monitored the implementation of the resolution and were waiting for the new inspection report which would "possibly" be submitted by the UN inspection group on Mar. 7.

The 15 Security Council members and most countries in the international community had reached a consensus on the main goal of Resolution 1441 which was to inspect and eliminate weapons of mass destruction possibly owned by Iraq.

The memorandum brought about by France, Russia and Germany aimed to strengthen inspections in Iraq and China clearly "supports the content", Kong said.

(Xinhua News Agency February 26, 2003)

Germany, France Oppose New UN Resolution on Iraq
Chances for Peaceful Disarmament of Iraq Remain: Russia
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US, Britain Submit New Draft Resolution on Iraq to UN
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