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Gunmen Kill 10 on Lao Highway
Unidentified gunmen attacked a passenger bus in northern Laos, killing at least two foreigners and eight Lao nationals, the Nation newspaper reported Friday.

The report quoted an anonymous Lao police officer as saying that the assault took place Feb. 6 morning near Vang Vieng, a small town about 150 kilometers north of the capital Vientiane.

A large number of attackers opened fire with automatic rifles at the bus, and also hit two cyclists traveling ahead of the bus and a farm tractor following the bus, which were on their way to Luang Prabang. Luang Prabang is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Laos and one of UNESCO's World Heritage sites.

The victims on the bicycles were foreigners but their nationalities could not be immediately confirmed late Thursday.

The officer suspected the attack was carried out by common bandits, based on the fact that property was also stolen.

Hmong rebels tend to attack government posts and officials, not ordinary citizens, he said.

But some local officers said it was a terrorist attack, the report added.

A military source said the Lao government had asked Thailand to keep a close watch on any anti-Vientiane activities along border areas, the report said.

(Xinhua News Agency February 7, 2003)

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