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Inspectors' Assessment Should Be Respected on Iraqi Weapon Issue
China holds that the United Nations Security Council should respect the inspectors' assessment on Iraqi weapon issue and no hasty conclusion should be drawn, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said in Beijing Tuesday.

Zhang made the remarks at a regular press conference. While expressing the view that the Security Council should continue to support the inspectors' work, she urged Iraq to further enhance cooperation with the United Nations.

UN chief arms inspector Hans Blix and International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Mohamed Elbaradei on Monday submitted key reports to the Security Council on their two-month inspections in Iraq, which gave a better-than-expected assessment of Iraq's cooperation, but called for more efforts on the Iraqi side to resolve remaining unanswered questions.

(Xinhua News Agency January 29, 2003)

China Stands for Continued Inspection, More Active Cooperation from Iraq
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