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FM Spokesman on China's Winning of Hosting 2010 World Expo
China thanks the Bureau of International Expositions (BIE) for its decision on holding the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said in Beijing Tuesday night.

Liu made the remark right after China won its bid on Dec. 3 in the voting in BIE's 132nd general assembly in Monte Carlo.

Liu said the Chinese government attaches great importance to and fully supports the bidding to host the World Expo 2010.

He said along with the deepening of its reform and opening-up, China has made great achievements in economic and social development, its exchanges with other countries have become more frequent and it has become an important force boosting economic development in the region and the world.

Shanghai, the center of China's economy, finance and international trade, has the benefits of convenient transportation and a good combination of eastern and western cultures. So it is well qualified to host the exposition, Liu said.

China will make greater achievements in economic and social development by 2010, Liu said, and will fulfill its commitments, carefully organize the exposition, provide all participating nations will all necessary facilities and satisfying services, and make the World Expo 2010 a brilliant and successful gathering, so as to promote international exchanges and cooperation economy, culture, science and technology, and to boost the development and prosperity of the international exposition industry in the new economic era.

(Xinhua News Agency December 4, 2002)

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