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Iraq to Create Favorable Conditions for Inspectors
Iraqi Ambassador to Russia Abbas Khalaf said Sunday that the Iraqi authorities will create favorable conditions for the work of international weapons inspectors, who will go to Iraq shortly in line with a United Nations Security Council resolution.

He said over radio Ekho Moskvy that it will be premature to assert that agents of Western special services may be among the UN inspectors

Chief of the UN inspectors Hans Blix said earlier that he could not provide guarantees that there are no agents of special services among the international experts. But if they are discovered, they will be immediately expelled from Iraq, he said.

"Neither we nor Blix has any information suggesting that there will be Western secret agents among the inspectors," Khalaf said.

(Xinhua News Agency November 18, 2002)

UN Team to Begin Inspection in Iraq on Nov. 27
UN Weapons Inspectors Arrive in Cyprus
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