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Israel Urged to Refrain from Abusing Military Forces
China on November 14 urged Israel to refrain from abusing military forces against the Palestinians and take effective measures to ease the humanitarian crisis in Palestinian areas.

Visiting Chinese special envoy to the Middle East Wang Shijie made the remarks during his meeting here with Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz.

Wang said China understands Israel's security demands under the background of a 25 months violent conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians.

But any excessive use of military forces, which were explained as responses to violent attacks by Palestinian extremists, would not be helpful to relieve the worsening situation in the region, he noted.

The Chinese envoy stressed that resuming talks is the only way leads to a peaceful solution.

Mofaz, who was sworn in the portfolio early this month, told the Chinese senior diplomat that Israel has two pre-conditions for resuming political talks: stopping all violence and terror attacks, the step-down of Palestinian National Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat.

Mofaz attributed the growing tensions in the region to the Palestinian terror attacks targeted at innocent Israeli civilians.

The Chinese envoy told the defense minister that he met with Arafat on Wednesday, and the Palestinian leader had expressed his strong willingness to compromise to the Israeli side and take measures to stop all violence.

The Israeli government should negotiate with Arafat, who was legitimately elected by the Palestinian people, and refrain from taking extreme move that would lead to aggravate the tensions in the region, Wang urged.

Later in the day, the Chinese envoy concluded his first diplomat mediation to the region, which has also brought him to Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine.

(Xinhua News Agency November 15, 2002)

Chinese Envoy, Arafat Discuss Mideast Peace
Middle East Envoy Urges Resumption of Peace Talks
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China's Special Envoy to the Middle East
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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