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Canadian PM Backs UN Role in Iraq Issue
Any military action against Iraq must be sanctioned by the United Nations, Prime Minister Jean Chretien said Tuesday.

"Collective action, whenever possible, produces greater long-term results than unilateral action," Chretien said prior to a debate on the issue in the House of Commons. "The United Nations can be a great force for good in the world. It is in all of our interests to use the power of international institutions in this complex world," he said.

The discussion came as the chief UN weapons inspector for Iraq said a tentative agreement had been reached with Iraq on his team's return to check for the presence of illegal, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. Iraq said it expected an advance party in Baghdad in two weeks.

Meanwhile, four Canadians, including two former military officers, specialists in chemical and biological weapons, and two International Atomic Energy Agency officials, have been told to prepare to head to Iraq as part of the UN weapons inspection team.According to a Canadian diplomat, one of the four is likely to go as part of the advance team.

The Canadian government has stressed only that any action should have UN approval and not be a unilateral US venture.

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham said: "The policyof this government has always been to act through the UN."

(Xinhua News Agency October 2, 2002)

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