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Israeli Troops Finish Pullback from Bethlehem
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) pulled out all of its troops from the West Bank city of Bethlehem on Monday, but the Israeli troops are still surrounding the city.

According to an IDF source, on Monday evening there are no any Israeli soldiers or patrols remained in the city, and the troops would not re-enter "if the Palestinians did indeed take full security control".

Israel Radio earlier in the day also quoted an unnamed Palestinian security official as saying the Israeli troops would pull out of central Bethlehem later Monday, and would take down a number of roadblocks in Gaza to ease travels there.

Monday's withdrawal is a result of a Sunday "Gaza and Bethlehem first" agreement reached between Israeli Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer and Palestinian National Authority Interior Minister Abdel Razeq Yihiye.

Under the "Gaza First" agreement, Israel would gradually withdraw its troops from the Gaza Strip and Bethlehem and ease restrictions on the Palestinian civilians in exchange for a Palestinian crackdown on militants, the radio reported.

"Both sides agree to start implementing the initiative Monday inGaza and Bethlehem," a statement from Israel's Defense Ministry said, adding that the withdrawal depends on the Palestinians taking "responsibility to calm the security situation and reduce violence."

However, the radical group Hamas, or the Islamic Resistance Movement, quickly announced strong opposition to the measure, and said its deadly attacks on Israelis would continue, according to a report of Israel Radio.

Israel's Army Radio also quoted Hamas as calling the plan "an attempt to silence the Palestinian street in advance of an Americanoperation in Iraq."

(Xinhua News Agency August 20, 2002)

Israel, Palestinians Agree on Gaza-Bethlehem Plan
Egypt Slams Hostile Israeli Attitude Toward Iraq
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