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Fatah Leader to Be Brought to Israeli Court
Palestinian lawyers announced on Tuesday that the Israeli Justice Ministry has decided to bring Marwan Barghouti, the leader of the Palestinian mainstream Fatah movement in the West Bank, to the Israeli central court in Tel Avivon Wednesday.

Khader Shqirat, a Palestinian counsel for Barghouti, said the Israeli Justice Ministry has decided to bring Barghouti to court under the allegations of inciting murders and heading illegal military organizations.

Barghouti is the highest-ranking official ever arrested by the Israeli army in Ramallah in April, when the Israeli army raided thethe West Bank city following suicide bombing attacks in Israel.

Barghouti became popular for speeches made in the streets of Ramallah during the Palestinian intifada (uprising) that began about two years ago.

Palestinians say Barghouti is a political leader of the intifadabut deny he has directly or indirectly participated in planning attacks against Israel.

However, Israel says he has given instructions of killings incited violence.

Palestinian analysts said bringing Barghouti to court would increase his popularity among the Palestinians in the West Bank andGaza Strip, where poll showed that he won a great support next to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Shqirat said on Wednesday he would defend Barghouti and would deny all the charges by the Israeli army that Barghouti was leadingthe Fatah armed wing Al Aqsa Martyrs brigades.

(Xinhua News Agency August 14, 2002)

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